
Regrouping with the Archangel Raphael

Does your blog have a patron saint for 2013 yet?   Mine does! Mine does!  (I have another saint for my private life because I don’t want to exasperate the poor saint more than necessary.)
The Archangel Raphael picked my little ole blog through conversion diary’s patron saint uh, picker.  I know, right?  It’s not enough that this archangel and I always had a connection but to have it emphasized for this year just feels special.  Like this could be the year he grants those three favors I begged for or a turning point for something.
Recycling this picture of Archangel Raphael because it's the best out there.
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So I’m taking nine days off to do a novena and regroup with the patron saint of my writing hands.  Before my one year blog anniversary comes on the last day of the novena, I need to discern if I should continue, slow down, take a break or end blogging.  My third novel’s been on the backburner far too long because blogging and meeting bloggers/readers has just been way more fun than having dialogues with characters from a book.  I’m also considering if writing articles needs to be the focus of my hand.  Or if I should just simply maintain status quo –which is: write as the Spirit leads.
 Frankly, the status quo seems disorganized.  (Sorry, Holy Spirit).  What I mean is: this harried year has left me feeling spread out too thin, short-changing my family life and wishing I could multiply myself to four people or bi-locate here and there. Hence, I am pleading with heaven through the intercession of Archangel Raphael: I need a plan of action here, Lord.   I would appreciate if you my beloved friends could utter a prayer for me.  All you have to do is repeat:  “Anabelle Hazard needs a plan of action, Lord.” Easy peasy.  (By the way, your input is also welcome.  Feel free to email me or fill up the combox)
I’ll see you on my anniversary.  Get ready with your party hats, blowers and frosted-sprinkled cupcakes but meanwhile don’t forget:  “Anabelle Hazard needs a plan of action Lord.  Hail Mary…”